Category: Snacking

A snack is a small service of food and generally eaten between meals.

Salty Snacks – Good or Bad ?

Many tasty snacks contain salt to boost their flavour. Is salt healthy or not ? Health organizations have been warning us about the dangers of salt for a long …

Is Snacking Good or Bad for You?

Opinions vary about whether snacking is healthy or unhealthy. Some people think snacking is healthy, while others believe that it is unhealthy and can lead to weight gain. We …

Snacking and Temptation

The road to hell is paved with good intention. Dealing with temptation requires strong will-power. We all have good intentions when it comes to eating healthily. But dealing with …

Britain a Nation of Snackers

We are now officially a nation of snackers ! That is, according to a study published in 2017 for a Channel 4 documentary. This was said to be the …

What is Pasteli ?

Pasteli is a sesame seed sweet bar made from sesame seeds , honey and sometimes nuts. Pasteli is popular in Greece and Cyprus and is generally a tasty nutritious …