Category: Unhealthy Foods

Unhealthy foods are those that are bad for your health. usually high in fat (especially trans and saturated fats) and sugars.

The MIND Diet and Snacking

The MIND Diet is probably the healthiest diet trending at the moment. It is a combination of the Mediterranean and DASH diets. The MIND (Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay) …

Diet Trends

Which diets are popular and trending now ? Following a specific diet is becoming more and more popular. We list and summarise the most popular diets at the moment. …

Healthy Snacking Benefits

Healthy snacking improves overall health, curbs cravings, fights weight gain, regulates mood, boosts brain power and gives you the energy you need to keep going all day. Resisting the …

Choosing Healthy Snacks

No amount of exercise can change your figure or help you maintain a lean body if you eat a consistently unhealthy diet. You simply cannot out train a bad …

Snacking and Temptation

The road to hell is paved with good intention. Dealing with temptation requires strong will-power. We all have good intentions when it comes to eating healthily. But dealing with …

Britain a Nation of Snackers

We are now officially a nation of snackers ! That is, according to a study published in 2017 for a Channel 4 documentary. This was said to be the …